AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Events for July 1, 2024 - March 11, 2024

COVID-19 Impact on Programs and Events

As you are experiencing in your own homes and places of business, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted AutismOklahoma in every possible way. The health and safety of our participants, volunteers, families, and partners is our [...]

Reaching Out to AutismOklahoma

7725 Connect 7725 W. Reno; Suite 321, Oklahoma City, OK

Our downtown OKC space has been repeatedly damaged over the week of protests. Studio 806 has been AutismOklahoma's home for many years and a space of creativity and inclusion. Thankfully, no one was in [...]

PieceDRIVE Tulsa

River West Festival Park 2100 S Jackson Ave, Tulsa, OK

The TULSA PieceWalk has become a PieceDRIVE!  And it is moving to beautiful River West  Festival Park on August 1st at 6:30 - 8:00 PM! Your team can now enjoy all the excitement and fun of [...]


Scissortale Park 300 SW 7th St,, Oklahoma City, OK

The OKC PieceWalk has become a PieceDRIVE!  And it is moving to 7725 Connect on August 8 at 6:30 - 8:00 PM! Your team can now enjoy all the excitement and fun of the PieceWalk from [...]

AutismNorman Connection Circle Zoom Call

Our next Connection Circle meet up is planned for Wednesday, September 16th at 8 PM and will take place on Zoom. Email for the zoom meeting link.

AutismNorman Pre-Teen Meet-Up

Andrews Park; Norman, OK 201 W. Daws St., Norman, United States

The AutismNorman pre-teen social group will be meeting on Sunday, September 20th at 4pm at Andrews P ark in Norman. Parent/guardian must be present and siblings of other ages welcome!

Nervous at Traffic Stops?

Oklahoma City Community College 7777 South May Avenue, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK

The Oklahoma Autism Center Foundation, AutismOklahoma and OCCC's Police Department have partnered to offer similated traffic stops for driver's with autism and other disabilities.  Drivers with a learner's permit or state-issued driver's license will practice [...]

Drive-In to Christmas

Life.Church Midwest City Campus Parking Lot 6809 E Reno Ave, Midwest City, OK

Join Buddy the Elf, Santa, Dash and AutismOklahoma as we spread holiday cheer at our Drive-In to Christmas movie event on December 11, 2020 located at the MWC Life.Church campus parking lot located at 6809 E [...]


FLIPSIDE Karaoke Party & Meet & Greet

7725 Connect 7725 W. Reno; Suite 321, Oklahoma City, OK

Free Karaoke and pizza party for ages 16+ adults and a meet & greet event for parents and adults with autism (if they don't want to karaoke). Guest speaker Dale Spoonemore will talk about "What [...]

Adult Group/Flipped Event

AutismOklahoma 7725 West Reno, OKC, OK

Join us on Thursday, November 11th for MEET UP! And you have multiple options. OPTION #1:  We will have an ASD group facilitated by Dale Spoonemore.  Dale will be discussing the book "How to Win [...]

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