Through 85 free or nearly free programs, we improve quality of life for 4,500 autistic individuals and family members each year.
AutismOklahoma was founded by parents in Oklahoma to improve quality of life and create opportunities for our loved ones with autism.
We provide a platform for parents, providers, professionals and community partners who have a heart to serve families affected by autism. Creating unique opportunities is our secret for Quality of life, for life!
AutismOklahoma had grassroots beginnings in 2002 when families began meeting together to help problem solve family challenges. Our BIG DREAM is quality of life, for life, for every individual in Oklahoma who has autism. We create opportunities and engage families to help their own family and a few more.
Our programs are FREE or NEARLY FREE and are funded by donations. 100% of every dollar donated stays in Oklahoma, and 95 cents of every dollar donated is used to fund programs that serve Oklahomans.