BLAST-Building Life Along The Spectrum Together!

Our PENPAL program is back by popular demand!  Get a PEN PAL by signing up on the form below.

The program will begin in January 2023!

This program is engages Life.Church members as volunteers and  is open to ALL AGES!  And it is a great way to make a new friend!

How do I join the BLAST?  You will need to sign up by completing the form on this page.

Who can sign up or be signed up?  Children with autism, their sibling(s), their parents and adults with autism!  Anyone who wants to BLAST with us!

Please note: We will provide your mailing address to our volunteer signing up as your or your pen-pal.

The matching process takes TIME. Please be patient as we connect you and your pen pal.

It is important that PenPals write to their volunteer! Parents, if you are signing up children who are not able to write back, please reach out monthly to volunteers to let them know you are receiving letters.

Also, some volunteers may sign up for 6 months of writing letters and others may want to write for a year. We will let you know!


Hey Pen Pals, we are working on volunteers to write to you and apologize that it is taking so long! Please hang in there with us and we will email you as soon as we can!