Thank you for checking out our Life.Church Volunteer page!
AutismOklahoma and Life.Church have partnered since 2014 and together we have engaged LifeChurch members in over 5,000 volunteer opportunities!
This website page is designed to provide UPDATED information about ALL our UNIQUE and CREATIVE Ways for you to be a NEIGHBOR to someone who is affected by autism!
One & Done Projects
Fun projects for your whole family or group!
Our ONE & DONE projects are a great way for your group or family to support our programs.
Each creative art project that your group or family completes will require simple things around your house! And you can do your project anywhere! Instructions will be provided when you sign up!
BLAST, Our Pen Pal Project
Our BLAST, Building Life Along The Spectrum, pen pal project was developed to help people make a friend during COVID. We have since learned that pen pals are an excellent way for someone with autism to make a connection!
UPDATE: SIGN UP NOW TO BEGIN WRITING LETTERS! Volunteers will write once a month to their pen pal ! This is a great way to make a new friend and have a big impact!
Instructions will be provided when you sign up!
AutismOklahoma Leaders at Life.Church
Do you want to help us spread the word about AutismOklahoma at Life.Church? Then we need YOU! AutismOklahoma partners with Life.Church campuses throughout the metro and state.
These campuses call on us to talk about what we do and to help involve church members in local missions, like ours. Sometimes we work a table in the lobby OR sometimes we reach out to church members who are volunteering. We would love to equip you to be a leader for this important role!
If SPREADSHEETS or ADMIN of SignupGenius is YOUR THING, we need you! This is a weekly opportunity behind your computer that can make a big difference!
Fill out the application below and someone from our team will be in touch with you!
Drive Fore Autism
Join us for a day of fun! We need help with check-in registration, helping with our raffle and helping out on the golf course. If you like to be indoors or outdoors there are options available in both OKC and in Tulsa. We look forward to seeing you at Drive Fore Autism!
Sign up below to check out our volunteer opportunities.
OKC – Monday, September 29,2025
TULSA – Monday, September 8, 2025

Do You or Your Group Want to Volunteer at an Event?
We Need You!
Check out the opportunities below!
Volunteer for Teen 2 Teen, a monthly program that meets in Edmond to help our friends with autism connect with peers. Meeting dates are on the sign-up.
We have two opportunities each month for you to Mix N Mingle and meet some very cool adults with autism.
Mix N Mingle at Chicken N Pickle in North OKC meets the third Monday of every month. Check the sign up genius for specifics.
The Mix N Mingle at Rudy’s in Norman meets the first Monday of every month. Check the sign up genius for specifics!
AutismCanadianValley meets on the first Thursday of each month (September to May) from 7:00-8:30PM at the Church of Christ South Yukon located in Yukon at 11700 NW 10th Street. Check the sign up genius for specifics!