Jeremy and his family wanted him to experience the joys and memories of summer camp. 

 A traditional camp would prove too challenging for Jeremy, so his mom and AutismOklahoma created Camp Noggin for autistic children.

Since 2010, hundreds of children have participated, and dozens of volunteers have returned summer after summer to help them perform magic tricks, ride animals, get wet, create art, and make friends.

At 21 years old, Jeremy is THRIVING and BLOWING MINDS!  The beautiful irony of this story is that others predicted Jeremy would always need daily support.

Today, Jeremy has stepped into the role of supporting his family!  As his parents recently went through some dark and hard days, no one could comprehend how Jeremy would carry his family. Jeremy is a blessing to everyone he knows. All his family can say is “They were wrong!”

Jeremy has a bright future ahead with two apprenticeships–one in cooking and one in google maps. We are so proud and thankful to experience his journey and celebrate our 20 years with Jeremy!