AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Events for April 6 - February 10

Superhero Fanatics

Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by Superhero Captain [...]

Superhero Fanatics

Superhero Fanatics Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by [...]

Superhero Fanatics

Superhero Fanatics Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by [...]

Superhero Fanatics

Superhero Fanatics Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by [...]

Superhero Fanatics

Superhero Fanatics Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by [...]

Superhero Fanatics

Superhero Fanatics Are you team Marvel or DC? All fans are invited to a Zoom chat to talk ALL things Superhero. The group meets from 6 pm to 7:30 pm This group is lead by [...]

AutismOklahoma Birthday Party

Church of Christ South 11700 NW 10th Street, Yukon, ok

AutismCanadian Valley  is celebrating AutismOklahoma's 21st birthday with a visit from Extreme Animals! We will have cake and punch to celebrate also. We will all meet together in the gym. April 6th 7 pm to [...]

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