Autism, Resources, Parents, Oklahoma

Girls with Voices aims to support leadership, to support excellence, and to encourage all girls to find and share their voice.


To encourage life long friendships, empowerment, and leadership.

Autism, Resources, Parents, Oklahoma


I will have self respect, self discipline, self confidence, and respect for others. I will find and share my voice.

Girls with Voices is a model program and is an example of how moms came together to develop a program for their girls.  Girls with Voices groups can be recreated by any mom and daughter teams throughout the state.  We are here to help you create your own group! We have lots of experience and program information to share.

Parents should feel free to participate in our “open invitation” Girls With Voices events. These events are held once a year and allow parents and their daughters to learn more about our group and have a great time connecting!  Join us this year for our Green Tea Party!

Check back for event information.


Big Sisters