Contact Information

Julie Latimer for Local Social Group

Crystal Frost
Director of Community Engagement

Facebook Group

AutismOklahoma is happy to host a virtual Connection Circle by use of a FaceBook group for this community.  It provides an online community for people who “Love Someone With Autism” who live within that community area. The majority of members are parents and families, but we also welcome persons on the spectrum and supportive partners to our group, in an effort to better work together and learn what people need to thrive and have a great quality of life in their community.

Our goal is to share information and tips, update the community on events and programs, and showcase the achievements of persons on the autism spectrum and their families. We encourage posts that highlight the accomplishments of our loved ones on the spectrum!

To join our AutismTulsa Facebook group, just click here… You don’t have to be on this journey alone.

AutismTulsa parent group is forming. Check out our AutismTulsa Facebook page for information about meet-ups.

To receive information about what is going on in Tulsa and surrounding area, sign up for AutismTulsa e-news!