AutismCanadianValley meets on the first Thursday of each month (September to May) from 7:00-8:30PM at the Church of Christ South Yukon located in Yukon at 11700 NW 10th Street.
AutismCanadianValley is an AutismOklahoma Connection Circle. Connection Circles are points of connection for persons with autism, their families and friends, autism service providers/organizations, and members of the community. AutismCanadianValley is a gathering point for people from Yukon, Mustang, El Reno, OKC, Piedmont, Kingfisher, Bethany and surrounding areas.
2024/25 Meetings
AutismCanadianValley meets on the first Thursday of each month (September through May) from 7:00-8:30PM at the Church of Christ South Yukon located in Yukon at 11700 NW 10th Street.
We always need great volunteers! Check out our volunteer opportunities here.
Contact Information
Susan Mitchell at
Leaders Team:
Susan Mitchell, Wendy Eagan, Amanda Hornbeck, Debra Brakefield
Child Care
There is no childcare but children are welcome to attend. We will meet in Fellowship Hall together and the kids will be welcome to play while we meet. Please use the south entrance when you come to visit.
Facebook Group
Every Connection Circle has its own closed, private group. This is how many of our families communicate with one another and where they can share in a secure environment. Use the group to start a conversation, make a virtual connection, touch base with friends or set up a phone call. This is a great place to get ideas from other families who are dealing with similar issues. To join our AutismCanadianValley Facebook group, just click here… You don’t have to be on this journey alone.
Lending Library
Check out our portable library collection. We have a wide variety of books with something for everyone. Please feel free to check out a book!
Family Fun Nights provides several Family Fun Nights throughout the year with plenty of good old fashioned socializing. We make sure that each of these events are safe and secure so that families feel comfortable. Our outings may include picnics, swimming, inflateables, horseback riding, etc. All Family Fun Nights require registration. Online registration will be available soon!
Connection Point

Periodically we set up youth/young adult groups as we have the attendance and volunteers. Any events will be announced through our FaceBook Page!