Even in Death
This animated short film is about life, death, and what happens in-between. Produced by Invisible Layers Productions, including artwork by individuals with autism, this film will make you smile, laugh, sigh and cry.
This animated short film is about life, death, and what happens in-between. Produced by Invisible Layers Productions, including artwork by individuals with autism, this film will make you smile, laugh, sigh and cry.
Even in Death, an animated short that took a year to create, is visually stunning, nearly wordless and with a hauntingly charming score. A story of love, life and loss with a twist. But we created more than just a beautiful film. Resumes were boosted. Students with autism earned college credit for their work on the film. Confidence soared. And our little animated film, well its success is demonstrated with accolades.
Even in Death and the Invisible Layers team recently traveled the film festival circuit. Even in Death has received lots of accolades including Best Oklahoma Short Film at DeadCenter, Best Animated Short Film at EyeCatcher International Film Festival, Best Animated Short at Bare Bones International Film Festival and was an official selection for the Tulsa International Film Festival. The team also won Best Autistic Filmmaker at Autfest International Film Festival in Orange County, CA. Even in Death continues providing audiences with whom to share our creative voices. Thank you to our filmmakers, parents and community supporters who invested in the interest of our filmmakers to create this opportunity!
Girl & the Green Sword
The film is produced by AutismOklahoma.org and Invisible Layers Productions.
The Girl and the Green Sword follows the story of Felix, a socially awkward young man who works for a popular website about “freaky” stuff. After his heartless boss gives him one week to find someone “freakier” than he is, he stumbles upon the also awkward Wendy. Although she seems strange, Wendy is able to show Felix who he is as person and as a friend.
Writer/Director Bruce Fry talks about his new short film The Girl and the Green Sword ! The film is produced by AutismOklahoma.org and Invisible Layers Productions.
The Girl and the Green Sword follows the story of Felix, a socially awkward young man who works for a popular website about “freaky” stuff. After his heartless boss gives him one week to find someone “freakier” than he is, he stumbles upon the also awkward Wendy. Although she seems strange, Wendy is able to show Felix who he is as person and as a friend.
Swanky, The Movie
The Swanky movie started off as film clips about a summer camp that was held during the summer of 2012. The Swanky Art Camp was targeted for young adults, many diagnosed with autism, and included some of their siblings. The one-week camp was designed to allow the young adults to work with a group of professional artists to produce quality art pieces that would be shown at an art show.
After filming the Swanky Art Show and Camp, our creative team saw an amazing story emerge. The footage allowed us to see the honesty, purity, struggles and brilliance of some of the young adults who have autism. We saw a transformation in how general population viewed these amazing young adults and we knew we had a story that needed to be told.
Swanky: the most awesome art show movie ever made by everybody, challenges all of us to “Think Differently” and to appreciate the differences in all of us. And so, we expanded our original plan and made a movie! The movie premiered at the Will Rogers Theater and is now available on DVD.
Please consider donating to this great program. Your support helps us to offer this great program and affirms the contributions that those with autism make in the creative and professional landscape.