AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

Events for April 1 - September 10, 2022

FLIPSIDE Karaoke Party & Meet & Greet

7725 Connect 7725 W. Reno; Suite 321, Oklahoma City, OK

Free Karaoke and pizza party for ages 16+ adults and a meet & greet event for parents and adults with autism (if they don't want to karaoke). Guest speaker Dale Spoonemore will talk about "What [...]

Adult Group/Flipped Event

AutismOklahoma 7725 West Reno, OKC, OK

Join us on Thursday, November 11th for MEET UP! And you have multiple options. OPTION #1:  We will have an ASD group facilitated by Dale Spoonemore.  Dale will be discussing the book "How to Win [...]

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