AutismOklahoma The Walk SpectrumMarket

FREE Sensory Friendly Pickleball Lessons

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FREE Sensory Friendly Pickleball Lessons (18 years and above)

  • Thursday February 8th, 15th, and 22nd
  • 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Quiet Gym Woodson Park Center East of Interstate-44 at 3629 S May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73119

In a partnership with OKC Parks and Recreation, we are offering FREE Pickleball lessons to anyone aged 18 and older our community! Whether you’re interested in learning how to play Pickleball or just want to casually serve a ball back and forth, our easygoing lessons are perfect for you!

Must register to attend, will cut off enrollment when class is full, so sign up NOW!

To sign up, please follow the detailed step-by-step list below OR email Maggie for registering assistance at

  1. Click the link here to begin:,singlebooking,appointments,perpetualclasses#
  2. Click, “Sign Up” 
  3. Enter information; name, address, phone number and submit to create account. 
  4. Once creating account, should be redirected to new page (this page will say, “perfectmind has not been set up properly, please contact your administrator, ignore this message, it will still work). On this page, Click the triple bar icon (looks like a hamburger) at the top left corner to view options. 
  5. Next, click “activity registration” 
  6. Next  Under “athletics”, click “Sports”
  7. Next, Under “adaptive” click, “show” and “Sensory Friendly Pickleball Training” should appear 
  8. Under “Sensory Friendly Pickleball Training”, click “Register Here”
  9. Click “register here” again on the next page
  10. On the next page, click, “next” If all appears correct or add family members if desired, then click “next”. 
  11. On the final page, should say confirmation email sent to the email given when signed up.  
  12. If needing to sign back in, should be sent a temporary password to email to sign back in or change password to desired password. 
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