IRS and Logo Documentation
If you are working with businesses in your community, you may need information on our 501c3 status, Trade Name reports (which allow us to do business as another name) and our logos. Here are some of those files for your convenience. Let us know if you need a 990 or annual budget as we can make these available also.
If you have questions about coordinating donation requests, please refer to this guide for help.
If you are working with community businesses, you may need information on our 501c3 status, Trade Name reports (which allow us to do business as another name) and also our logos. Here are some of those files for your convenience. Let me know if you need a 990 or annual budget as we can make these available also.
You may wonder why we have so many names or doing business as (dba) trade names. Some businesses or community partners might prefer to donate to an organization that is community-based, while others prefer a state-wide organization. This is the best of both worlds.
Website Event Calendars
We are utilizing Google calendar to publish the event calendars on our website. Each parent support group has their own calendar and color. Individual group calendars are under the Groups & Program tab on the navigation bar on our website. The calendars for all our events are brought together on the Events tab on our website. It is very important that you update your calendar. This is the first place your group members will go when they are learning about your group. If you update the calendar and let people know when you are having special guests, etc, it can be a great communication tool–especially for those parents who do not utilize facebook. If you need help learning how to update your calendar, let us know.
Constant Contact Instructions
Our user id for Constant Contact is trinitymal
Our password is efca2007
Constant Contact is our e-mail communication system. We have nearly 3000 contacts in our database that receive various e-mails from our organization. We have grouped the contacts so that we can send e-mails to a single parent support group, the PieceWalk contacts, or all of our contacts. It is very important that we do not over communicate or send out information that is not accurate or valuable. It only takes one or two of these e-mails before someone will “opt – out” of receiving e-mails from us. Program directors and parent support group leaders should ONLY create and send e-mails to their group list. If you need or want to send to other lists, let us know so we can time the communication with other statewide e-mails.
We have been using Constant Contact for many years and frankly we have been concerned about the quality and look of the e-newsletters. Last year, we asked our designer, Jon Koelsch to design templates for each group so that we could standardize the colors, font sizes, layout, etc. However, because there is no way in Constant Contact to set aside the templates, they are buried deep in the list of e-mails, and, over time, the quality of our e-newsletter look erodes. Please try to keep your template clean and learn the title of it. Your template is dated 11/7/2011. Do not edit this template!!! Copy it and then edit for all new e-newsletters. Try not to change colors or use a different font unless you really need to do so. Please try to name (or rename) your e-mails and pictures thoughtfully. The next person may be trying to find your e-newsletter and goofy titles make for long rabbit chases! LOL! If you have forgotten how to use Constant Contact, login and go to the home page. You can click on “Create an e-mail” and watch a short video. The program has gotten easier and easier over the years. If you need personal training on Constant Contact, please let me or Crystal know. We are happy to help you!
E-Mail Instructions
Everyone should be using their e-mail. If you are not, people may be communicating with you and you won’t know about it. Our e-mail has been a bear to support! BUT we have a new e-mail support expert to call when we have trouble! Please let me or Crystal know when you are having trouble with e-mail.
FaceBook Instructions
We have 2 public facebook pages– Both of these pages can be “liked”. These are the pages we us for the general public and they will be the primary places we post to generate interest. It is really important to post things on these pages that are compelling so that we get interaction with our friends. If our friends do not interact with us, then the facebook algorithm will stop posting our information to our friend’s feed and we are out of sight and mind. We will be using a social media campaign that tracks with our monthly themes, is inspirational, and includes think differently posts.
Our Connection Circles have closed group pages. These pages require administrators to accept friends they want to include in the group. We hope these pages can be more helpful for between meeting interaction on issues that may be more appropriate for only other parents, with children who have autism, to see and respond to. Please try to post every day or two to your group facebook page to get the conversations going.